Friday, 10 April 2020

Published April 10, 2020 by with 0 comment


Getting second storey additions built is already a tough thing and when this construction happens to be on the garage, it could be an even painstaking thing. 

A number of challenges are there and because of them, the average home additions cost could even fluctuate, but mainly, the challenges can be tackled really well. 

There are numerous challenges to face and here in this post, let us have a look at some of them.

1) Alignment

Second Story Additions
  • This is mainly because of the fact that this change to the existing door and window headers so that the new and old floors align correctly.

2)Blending the Structure

  • According to the experts, one more challenge related to this construction is blending the existing structure into the new building because a number of things go missing if the construction contractor is not that experienced and skilled.
  • Experts say in this regards that this problem mainly occurs because the garage structure is old and in many cases, unable to bear the weight of the upcoming construction.
  • A garage is a large structure, so the architect/designer needs to be careful to not draw attention away from the main house when adding the additional mass of a second story on top of a garage.

3) Building a stiff floor with the long spans of the garage below

  • Garages are mainly very huge structures that can be as long as 20’ to 24’ and with this much huge structure, the strength of the roof gets compromised.
  • But for first and then, second storey additions, the base, i.e. the roof of the garage has to be robust and durable, but since it is not, this is a kind of challenge for second story additions builder.
  • Another challenge is to keep the new floor from interfering with the garage door as it opens, and to align with the existing second floor. 



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